
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jupiter facts

Jupiter facts

Jupiter, the King of the Gods, is the ruler of Sagittarius. In Astrology, Jupiter is a planet of plenty. It is tolerant and expansive. The first of the social planets, Jupiter seeks insight through knowledge. Some of this planet's keywords include morality, gratitude, hope, honor, and the law. Jupiter is a planet of broader purpose, reach, and possibility.

upiter has generally been associated with good luck and bounty. Optimism and growth (including mental and spiritual growth) come under its rule. On the up side, Jupiter is associated with a sense of humor, good will, and mercy. The more negative manifestations of Jupiter include blind optimism, excess, and overindulgence. Irresponsibility that results from blind optimism, not ill will, can be displayed.

In the chart, the position of Jupiter by sign reveals how we express our generosity and tolerance. It shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives. Where do we look for wisdom and understanding? Look to Jupiter's position by house and to the planets it contacts for answers.

venus facts

Venus facts in Astrology

Venus is our nearest planetary neighbour and orbits closer around the sun than the Earth. The mean mass densities and radii of Earth and Venus are very similar and therefore Venus is often regarded as Earth′s “sister planet”. However, the near-surface conditions on both planets differ considerably; while Earth′s mean surface temperature is 15°C and the main constituents of the Atmosphere are nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), the mean temperature on Venus is 477°C and its atmosphere is almost exclusively composed of carbon dioxide (95%). The geological and geophysical exploration of Venus began in the 1960s and since then a large number of missions (flybys, orbiter and lander) built and operated by the Soviet Union and the United States have investigated the surface structure, the composition and dynamics of the atmosphere as well as the physics of the plasma environment surrounding Venus. Venus Express is the first European mission to the planet Venus and surveys the dynamics and chemistry of the Venusian atmosphere, the interaction processes between the atmosphere and the surface as well as the interaction of the interplanetary medium (solar wind) with Venus′ upper atmosphere.

Astrological mars


Whereas Venus is the unifying principle of attraction, Mars is the divisive, scattering principle of out-thrusting energy, separating one thing from another. It is the active force of the individual ego in the world, expressing the separate self and fighting for its rights. It represents how you go after what you want, your drive and energy to be active, your sexual and aggressive urges, initiative, motivation, courage, combativeness, struggle and war. It is the energy behind your feelings, whatever they are, and thus represents passion. Wherever Mars is in your chart is where your energy is directed and released, and where you have strife, discord, and tension if not handled properly. In a woman’s chart it represents her image of male energy.

Mars symbolizes the human libido, not merely the sexualized energy, but human energy pure and simple—the Chi. Mars rules ego, aggression, sexual drive, individuality, survival, yang, passion, courage, sports, competition, war, stamina, independent in relationships, conflict, force, vigor and mechanical ability. In the physical body it rules the muscles, male genitalia, red corpuscles, nose and the excretory tract.


Mars goes retrograde for about 11 weeks once every 25 months, and so is found in about 1/9th of all charts. Your Mars is retrograde if there’s an "Ñ" radially just inside of its degree and minutes numbers on your chart. Mars retrograde is unusual; only Venus retrograde is more rare. Since Mars is the planet with which you exteriorize your energies and get the juice to go after what you want, the internalizing and delaying aspects of retrogradation are most problematic in this case. Mars retrograde individuals need to turn their desire energies inward to discover their own motivations. They may need to do things over and over again until they understand why they are doing them. This can be the result of early life experiences that blocked the normal expression of desire or sexual energy and the ability to prove themselves. Sigmund Freud had Mars retrograde in Libra, fueling his life-long study of his own and others motivations and sexuality, and upon which modern psychoanalysis has been founded.

Astrological mercury

Mercury facts in astrology

Astrologically speaking, Mercury relates more to our internal and personal life than to life outside of us. Mercury is not only the messenger from god to man, but also our internal messenger: the link between the eternal and the mundane, between our soul and our personality. It represents sense perceptions and communication devices that our true self, the divine spark residing within us, uses to run the machinery of the body. In insanity this link is broken, but normally, through our mind and eyes, heaven bears witness to the Earth, and god may still talk to man.

Mercury rules the rational mind, the senses (but not the sense organs), memory, language and all forms of communication: speech, writing, TV, radio and letters. It symbolizes intellect and intelligence, techniques and skills, duality, brothers and sisters, powers of logic, reason, perception, short journeys, creating associations, symbolization, skills, short journeys, movement, transportation, versatility, siblings and one’s capacity to be educated. In the physical body it rules the arms, hands, nerves, lungs and the shoulders.

All three symbols are present in Mercury’s symbol shown above: the cross representing Earth manifestation, the circle of the spirit, and the uplifted crescent of personality.

Mercury is neither masculine nor feminine but neutral: it is silver, reflecting all that it contacts. The more aspects you have to Mercury in your chart, the greater and more complex your consciousness. The reflective mind needs aspects for its expansion, and the closest aspect is the most important. In the physical body it rules the nervous system, the arms, hands and shoulders, the lungs and the respiratory tract. Its position by house in your chart is where your mind or attention is focused.

Mercury goes retrograde (see glossary) three times a year for three-week periods, occurring in 1/5 of all charts. Your Mercury is retrograde if there’s an "Ñ" just inside its degree and minutes numbers on your chart. Mercury retrograde individuals need to personalize and digest data before they can understand or recommunicate it. Unusually sensitive to what others say, they take things personally, as they must relate it to themselves to make it significant. Once something has been learned, however, it is never forgotten. This process may appear as mental slowness to others. It is important that parents listen carefully to and make sure they understand their retrograde Mercury child, as well as giving that child plenty of time to communicate what is on his or her mind.

The sun astrological facts

Sun astrological facts

The Sun
, the giver of life, represents our conscious mind in Astrology. It represents our will to live and our creative life force.

Just as the planets revolve around the Sun in our solar system, we derive our life purpose from the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our ego. It is also our "adult"-- the part of us that censors our "inner child", that reasons things out, and makes final decisions. The Sun is our basic identity, and represents self-realization. When you are asked, "Who are you?", and you've passed your basic statistics and occupation, your answers will be a description of your Sun. The Sun also represents our overall vitality. The Sun directs us, and can be considered "the boss" of our chart.

The Sun () is so important in the chart, that the happiest people on this earth are those who identify (without over-identifying) with the Sun's expression. Though one might think that the traits of their Sun would come easy to them, the truth is, the Sun shows what we are learning to be. It is very important to remember that the Sun represents reason as opposed to instinct.

With respect to the other luminary (the Moon), the Sun reflects the present or the "here and now", while the Moon infuses the past into our lives through the feelings.

Grant Lewi referred to the Sun as indicative of "the psychological bias which will dominate your actions". He went on to say, "You may think, dream, imagine, hope to be a thousand things, according to your Moon and your other planets: but the Sun is what you are, and to be your best self in terms of your Sun is to cause your energies to work along the path in which they will have maximum help from planetary vibrations." (1)

When we are "acting out" our Sun, we are purposeful, directed, proud, and creative. On the negative side, we can be haughty, overly willful, self-centered, and judgmental.

In the chart, the position of the Sun by zodiac sign represents the native's life purpose and the style in which they leave their mark in the world. By house, the Sun's position shows where our personalities shine. The areas of life associated with that house reveal the types of experiences which contribute to our sense of individuality and which shape our sense of pride. These areas of life are ones in which we seek to express and focus our Sun sign qualities.

Stars Description for Moon

Moon Astrology Notes

The Moon, in Astrology, is the ruler of Cancer. The Moon represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious.

Where the Sun acts, the Moon reacts. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to the Moon in your natal chart for answers.

The Moon () is associated with the mother and with feminine energy in general. The Moon is both our inner child and our inner mother. It is responsive, receptive, and reflective. The Moon is our spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

Just as the Moon circles the Sun, in a symbolically protective manner, and reflects the Sun's light, the Moon in our chart shows how we protect ourselves, as well as make ourselves feel secure, comfortable, and safe.

We can also think of the Moon as that which gives us animation. It rules rhythmic ebb and flow of activity and energy. The Moon is a mediator between the inner world and the outer world. While the Sun is rational, the Moon is irrational. Habitual behaviors and prejudices are ruled by the Moon. Prejudices may not be acted out, as our Sun may censor them, but the Moon rules our spontaneous reactions and feelings.

For some of us, our Moons seem to drive our personalities more than the Sun does. This is particularly true if the Moon is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces), or if it is conjunct an angle in the chart (near the Ascendant, Descendant, 4th house cusp, or 10th house cusp). For true happiness in life, it is wise to neither give your Moon too much nor too little importance in your life.

I feel that Grant Lewi, in Astrology for the Millions, offered the most evocative description of the Moon when he wrote the following: "When you "know what you mean but you can't say it," it is your Moon that knows it and your Sun that can't say it. "Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears" are the thoughts of your Moon's nature. The wordless ecstasy, the mute sorrow, the secret dream, the esoteric picture of yourself that you can't get across to the world, or which the world doesn't comprehend or value - these are the products of the Moon in your horoscope. When you are misunderstood, it is your Moon nature, expressed imperfectly through the Sun sign, that you feel is betrayed. When you know what you ought to do, but can't find the right way to do it, it is your Moon that knows and your Sun that refuses to react in harmony. Also, when you "don't know why I said that," it was your Moon expressing despite your Sun (if you are innerly satisfied with the involuntary speech), or the Sun expressing against the will of the Moon (if you are displeased with what has slipped out). Things you know without thought - intuitions, hunches, instincts - are the products of the Moon. Modes of expression that you feel are truly your deepest self belong to the Moon: art, letters, creative work of any kind; sometimes love; sometimes business.

Scorpion rellation


Scorpio is the Eighth Sign of the Zodiac. It is associated with beginnings and endings...and those born under this Sign are unafraid of either, possessing a deep, driving desire and unstoppable determination to learn about others. The Sun enters Scorpio as Autumn advances. It is a time of impending hiberation, but even as the land is chilled, the seeds within the earth promise eventual reawakening. This is the Season of Scorpio...perhaps the most complex of all Zodiac Signs. Is is significant that this Sign has not one symbol, but several: the Scorpion, the Eagle and the Phoenix, each contributing distinctive qualities to the Sign's nature. Aggression and instinct are provided courtesy of the Scorpion aspect, illustrated by way of destructive behavior, a viciously competitive personality with a tendency to be violent and cruel. The Eagle aspect provides a shrewd insight possessed by most Scorpio natives...they have the ability to see what others miss. They discern hidden motives, ferreting out secret flaws and vulnerabilities. Indeed, due to the thirst for power and and mastery, those governed by this Zodiac Sign are not above exploiting the weaknesses of others to their own advantage. It has been said that counted among the most important tasks of those ruled by Scorpio is the necessity to rid themselves of the tendency to be judgmental, learning to temper their insight with compassion. Individuals who can manage this difficult assignment manifest the virtues of the Phoenix...the redemptive third aspect of this Sign. Much like the Phoenix, those governed by Scorpio are survivors. In an emotional sense, they may perish in the ashes of their own destructive nature, but they can also transcend and transform. According to some sources, the Dove is also symbolic of this Sign, lending those it rules the virtue of compassion, as is the Snake or Serpent. Natives of Scorpio do possess a capacity for high spritual development, but it is generally believed that their path toward such enlightenment will be the most difficult of the entire Zodiac. In short, those governed by this Sign must become alchemists...transmuting dark instinct and selfish impulse into purified desire. They must also strive to discipline themselves, working toward curbing and chanelling their considerable power for constructive purposes.


is the Second Sign of the Zodiac, represented by the Bull which is prized for strength and stamina. The Egyptian Horus was the Bull of Heaven and a white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia at the time of the New Year to placate Ramman, the God of Thunder and Lightning. Taurus peacefully tends and nurtures Spring's garden, bringing forth harmony from chaos. Like the Bull, Taurus does not move unless there is something worth moving for. Taurus likes to keep a firm hand on possessions and nothing makes this Sign happier than secure material prosperity. Taurus craves the good things in life. Dominated by the romantic Planet of Venus, Taurus is deeply loving with strong values, but can be slow to make decisions. Earthbound with worldly goals and in tune with nature, Taurus is the most reliable and faithful Sign of the Zodiac. In essence, Taurus governs practicality and security.

Also known as the Sign of the Producer or Builder, Taurus is Negative in polarity (as are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). The general characteristics of Negative Signs lean toward introversion and prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. Such individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of Positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). However, Negative Signs are also likely to be much more cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterparts with a tendency to keep personal feelings under tight control. Taurus is the most introverted of the Negative Signs (with Virgo a close second).

All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Earth and Water are considered to be Feminine in nature. Thus, Taurus (ruled by earth) is considered Feminine (as are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Feminine Signs are traditionally conceived as being more receptive and less active than their Masculine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Fire and Air (the Zodiac Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Feminine Signs focus primarily on the emotional and material world with particular attention to sensitivity and depth of feeling. Feminine Signs are said to be noctural or night-oriented. Therefore, the term "feminine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) Polarity of the Tao.

Taurus is the natural ruler of the Second House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Material Possessions" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Gate of Hades." This is the field which challenges an individual to define and refine his or her personal sense of values. The things and qualities that a person treasures, cherishes and enjoys are to be found here. This is the area of personal security and, employment, possessions and life's simple pleasures, as well as its luxuries. The Second House is concerned with ethics, morals, integrity and priorities...what an individual "stands for" and what influences that individual's choices in life. In addition to personal values, this house is traditionally associated with inner and outer talents and resources. The Second House is governed by the Planet Venus (which is also Planetary Ruler of the Seventh House).

The opposite sign to Taurus is Scorpio. From Scorpio, Taurus can learn to recognize the needs of others. Thus, can Taurus natives gain insight not only into the motives of others, but also into their own.

Astrology Enquiry

You may ask any question regarding your zodiac sign
but before sent me yours complete name and date of birth

and all information regarding your identities

Leo Relations


Leo is the Fifth sign of the Zodiac. Its name may derive from the Latin leo or the Greek leon, both of which mean "lion." However, the name is likely Semitic in origin...from the Hebrew word, labi. Leo is known as the "royal sign," symbolic of exuberance and leadership, and individuals who fall within its jurisdiction place courage and personal honesty above all else. Others may not necessarily fulfill the expectations of a Leo native and thus, the life of a Leo is often rife with disappointments. There is a radiant warmth associated with this Zodiac Sign which emanates from the Leo personality to touch the hearts of friends and admirers. This fortunate personality trait is apt to open many doors in life and the individual ruled by Leo welcomes both authority and responsibility. The fiery temperament of a Leo subject is typical of the Zodiac's fire being the element which rules this sign. There are few people who fail to be attracted to the Leos of this world since they are indeed likeable individuals, being frank, open, honest and endearing. Of all the Zodiac Signs, it is Leo which is most known for dedication to an ideal. There is a tendency here toward a drowning in egocentricity and materialism, coupled with a lack of both the desire and the capacity for spiritual development. Thus, those born under the Sign of Leo should strive to avoid the type of exaggeration that can debase their many inherent gifts.


Libra is the Seventh sign of the Zodiac. It is sometimes referred to as the Balance. The Sun enters Libra around the time of year when day and night are of equal length. Thus, this is when the Earth and the Sun are in balance...a time such balance is also illustrated by the fact that when the Sun reaches this point, Spring and Summer have passed and the harvesters are weighing and balancing the fruits of their labors. Now, the beginning of Autumn heralds the Harvest Season. The origin of the word Libra derives from the Latin meaning "balances" or "scales." Often, a statue of the Goddess of Justice holding the scales or balances is erected over the domes of modern court houses. In ancient times, this constellation was associated with the judgment of the living and the dead. Libra is the only inanimate Sign of the Zodiac, the other eleven representing either human or animal forms. Those born under this Sign are natural arbitrators and diplomats, constantly seeking balance and harmony. In short, they are sociable, cheerful and charming souls. Perhaps the greatest fault of this Sign is indecision. Libra individuals find it difficult to make up their minds and strongly dislike taking sides. Although they have an aversion to those who are rude, they themselves can frequently be disconcertingly brash and blunt. Nonetheless, some astrologers consider Libra to be the most desirable of all Zodiac types because it represents the zenith of the year. Libra is representative of balance...the weighing of values and justice. When those ruled by this Zodiac Sign manage to bring balance into their lives and curtail the inherent tendency to waver from one side to the other, then they will find the contentment that is so necessary to their well-being.

Aries relationship

Aries relationship description
In personal relationships, Aries natives are frank, high-spirited, direct and candid. They make for enthusiastic and generous friends, but need to curb their competitive impuluses and the manner in which those impulses affect those around them. Subject of this Sign also need to learn how to temper their natural aggressiveness and use reason coupled with diplomacy when dealing with others. Generally, when it comes to friendships, these individuals get along better with members of their own gender rather than members of the opposite sex. Since those governed by Aries like to get their own way and often pit the wishes of self against what is best for any partnership, this can frequently lead to conflict. The capacity for deep affection should result in faithfulness with regard to both love and friendship, but these natives need to guard against an inclination toward jealousy and/or over-possessiveness. There is a strong belief here that "what is mine, is mine," which could easily manifest itself in an overly-dominating attitude toward certain family members.

Usually possessed with a high sex drive, individuals ruled by Aries make for passionate but fastidious lovers. However, there is a negative side to associations with others. Aries natives are easily irritated by slowness or moderation in companions and, though sensitive themselves, will often ride roughshod over the sensitivities of those around them. There is some difficulty here regarding an understanding the opposite sex, which can cause much misunderstanding and unhappiness when it comes to love affairs. The intensity of the Aries sexual urge can drive the individual who falls within this Sign's jurisdiction toward promiscuity and a counting of conquests. It can also trick its natives into an early and often unwise marriage which could end in disaster. In the home, Aries individuals will always want to be "top dog" and are extremely possessive of their mates, but not always the most faithful of partners themselves. Romantic Aries individuals usually have no need of "hearts and flowers" to give them that "warm and fuzzy" glow. Far more important to them is a partner who is equally strong and who will challenge them to reach greater heights both mentally and physically. It also helps if the Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument and become a master at the art of reconciliation.

In spite of the fact that the Aries nature is passionate one with a gift for loving deeply, these individuals do not wear their hearts on their sleeves. Although they themselves may not be good at expressing their love in words, they do adore hearing endearments from their loved ones and can listen to declarations of undying affection and everlasting fidelity with the most ardent appreciation. The greatest Aries weakness in affairs of the heart is a tendency to cross-examine and ask too many questions. Although these individuals are not in the habit of mincing words, it is important to be tactful with sweethearts or keep silent when things get out of hand. By being more tolerant, those governed by this Sign will find greater happiness. Aries natives are possessed with a red-hot energy which often proves irresistible...and is certainly never boring. They prefer to initiate relationships and the role of seducer comes to them quite easily. However, this sizzling "dance of romance" will only work on those strong enough to stay in the game. In short, and Aries individual desire a partner who can go toe-to-toe...whether it be over lunch or in the bedroom.

Due to a strong executive ability, Aries subjects usually do better on their own rather than by entering into any business partnership. However, they do need business associates to a degree and their best choice would likely be a native of Taurus. While Aries can team well with Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces, any of these are apt to profit more from the alliance unless the Aries individual is strongly dominant. Any business association between Aries and Capricorn or Aries and Scorpio may prove to be highly productive of problems.


The ever practical perfectionist Virgo celebrates their birthday during the same month that dictates the main motivating archetype of their personalities. End of August and beginning of September bring the largest harvest time on earth. This is a time of year that people gather and bring together all the hard work from the summer, and all the waiting from the previous winter. They go out into the fields and pastures as the summer light begins to ebb and the summer heat starts to wane. In the same way Virgo’s love to bring what seems to be chaos into synthesis, and create harmony when there is discord.

Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is a bit of a head over heart person, and yet, as previous Virgo lovers in my life have amply demonstrated, they allow their childhood to permeate the rest of their life, which imbues everything that they do with a profound level of wonder and excitement. In relationships the tension between intellect and wonder, can produce a dizzying display of conversationalism and an independent search for knowledge, that can either alienate you as a Virgo’s lover or bring you in so thoroughly that you could never imagine being with someone as interesting or as dynamic.

Your Virgo lover is not only shy but is extremely hard on his/her self, and that is a combination that can lead to some problematic personality traits. It can, at first, seem as though Virgo is completely detached, without emotion, and yet precisely the opposite is true. They are keenly sensitive, and this can be seen as any depth of relationship is explored between you and your Virgo lover.

This criticism is the basis of your lover’s most annoying personality trait: the external critic that exists in every Virgo. Despite your best attempts to let your partner know how much this type of nagging examination of all you faults, bugs you, they persist. It is as much a reflection of how incomplete they sometimes feel, and less about you. But it is something that will drive away not only casual relationships, but the meaningful ones as well.

Virgo has a hard enough time finding someone that they feel can even measure up to the harsh light of their ever evaluating third eye, but once they do find that special someone, the temptation can be to continue to perfect that person. As much as it is appealing to let Virgo take a red marking pen to your personality because you desire their love, it is important to remember that they are reflecting their own insecurities. In letting them continue this type of behavior you are reconstituting their own identity issues.

Don’t let Virgo fool you though. It is easy to mistake the shyness of the Virgo as aloofness, when really all it is that they are more comfortable with intellectualizing and dialoging than spilling their dark emotional secrets. It is for this reason that watching and touching them is the best way to create an intimate physical connection, rather than over eloquent speech. They want to be held when they need to feel loved, fed when they are hungry, and kissed when they feel passionate. They are an earth sign, and thus feel most at home with their five senses, so they are also known to be hot in bed.

***Warning, withholding of affection as a means to argue or get something from a Virgo, will inevitably backfire. Instead of motivating them it will reduce the reason that they want to do something for you in the first place. They will feel unloved when not touched, and they will lose interest in an attempt to protect themselves. Always bribe your Virgo with love and sex, never with negatives.


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