
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Aries relationship

Aries relationship description
In personal relationships, Aries natives are frank, high-spirited, direct and candid. They make for enthusiastic and generous friends, but need to curb their competitive impuluses and the manner in which those impulses affect those around them. Subject of this Sign also need to learn how to temper their natural aggressiveness and use reason coupled with diplomacy when dealing with others. Generally, when it comes to friendships, these individuals get along better with members of their own gender rather than members of the opposite sex. Since those governed by Aries like to get their own way and often pit the wishes of self against what is best for any partnership, this can frequently lead to conflict. The capacity for deep affection should result in faithfulness with regard to both love and friendship, but these natives need to guard against an inclination toward jealousy and/or over-possessiveness. There is a strong belief here that "what is mine, is mine," which could easily manifest itself in an overly-dominating attitude toward certain family members.

Usually possessed with a high sex drive, individuals ruled by Aries make for passionate but fastidious lovers. However, there is a negative side to associations with others. Aries natives are easily irritated by slowness or moderation in companions and, though sensitive themselves, will often ride roughshod over the sensitivities of those around them. There is some difficulty here regarding an understanding the opposite sex, which can cause much misunderstanding and unhappiness when it comes to love affairs. The intensity of the Aries sexual urge can drive the individual who falls within this Sign's jurisdiction toward promiscuity and a counting of conquests. It can also trick its natives into an early and often unwise marriage which could end in disaster. In the home, Aries individuals will always want to be "top dog" and are extremely possessive of their mates, but not always the most faithful of partners themselves. Romantic Aries individuals usually have no need of "hearts and flowers" to give them that "warm and fuzzy" glow. Far more important to them is a partner who is equally strong and who will challenge them to reach greater heights both mentally and physically. It also helps if the Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument and become a master at the art of reconciliation.

In spite of the fact that the Aries nature is passionate one with a gift for loving deeply, these individuals do not wear their hearts on their sleeves. Although they themselves may not be good at expressing their love in words, they do adore hearing endearments from their loved ones and can listen to declarations of undying affection and everlasting fidelity with the most ardent appreciation. The greatest Aries weakness in affairs of the heart is a tendency to cross-examine and ask too many questions. Although these individuals are not in the habit of mincing words, it is important to be tactful with sweethearts or keep silent when things get out of hand. By being more tolerant, those governed by this Sign will find greater happiness. Aries natives are possessed with a red-hot energy which often proves irresistible...and is certainly never boring. They prefer to initiate relationships and the role of seducer comes to them quite easily. However, this sizzling "dance of romance" will only work on those strong enough to stay in the game. In short, and Aries individual desire a partner who can go toe-to-toe...whether it be over lunch or in the bedroom.

Due to a strong executive ability, Aries subjects usually do better on their own rather than by entering into any business partnership. However, they do need business associates to a degree and their best choice would likely be a native of Taurus. While Aries can team well with Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces, any of these are apt to profit more from the alliance unless the Aries individual is strongly dominant. Any business association between Aries and Capricorn or Aries and Scorpio may prove to be highly productive of problems.


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