
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cancer virgo relation

Relation cancer and virgo

Cancer Virgo is a very harmonious combination, where you each will bring out the best in the other. You have a lot in common and will intuitively understand each other, and provide the support and stability you each enjoy. Unlike some partners, this is a person who will consistently build your self confidence.

You can be fairly emotional and moody at times and therefore unpredictable. In this combination it's no bad thing, as your Virgo has the patience and understanding to take these moods in their stride, and their natural stability will do much to ground you until they pass.

This is a very loyal partner, who values stability and security in a relationship as much as you do. You both like order and routine in a relationship, you're both highly affectionate and enjoy pleasing a partner. It's likely you'll be comfortable with each other from a very early point in this relationship.

Your Virgo is very down to earth and organized, while being very patient and always courteous. Overall a very stable and predictable partner. It's likely they need a lot more space and solitude to recharge than you do, so don't be offended or take it personally if this is the case.

You're both very hard working, though for slightly different reasons. You like to amass security for a rainy day, while your Virgo has an intrinsic need to be productive. The result is identical, and you will come to respect each other in this area.

You're on the same page financially, both preferring to spend conservatively, and both have a great appreciation for the home, often preferring to stay in rather than going out to party.

On the negative side, you both can e somewhat critical at times, and this may lead to nagging and some irritation. You both also tend to worry a lot, and may have trouble offering much support to each other


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