
Saturday, December 4, 2010

This relationship does not have a very good chance of lasting for long. The Virgo boy is a real introvert who doesn’t like a lot of fuss around him. Meanwhile you are a bundle of energy who feels that fun , is the whole point of life! He is laid-back in the extreme and his reserved personality will seriously annoy you. He has a lack of courage when it comes to new situations and unfamiliar people. This is made worse when he’s with you, because you are bold and wild and fun-loving and that kind of intimidates him.

Sadge girl may feel like class clown around button-down Virgo boy. Virgo boy is all about getting assignments done on time, and meeting the sometimes impossibly high standards of his elders. You approach the world in very different ways, but both ways are valid. Don't lose your spontaneity, Sadge. It's one of your best assets and it's the thing that drew Virgo boy to you in the first place. .

Virgo Woman & Sagittarius Man

This match will not last very long. You two are so different in personality that it’s almost impossible to make this pairing work. He is wild and free; you are serious and practical. He goes flying off in all directions; you want security and peacefulness. He is extremely flirtatious with other girls; you need a faithful partner who you can trust. Plus, the more you mistrust him the more likely it is that he’ll stray. You’ll feel neglected when he goes off on adventures, and you’ll be miserable when he doesn’t show up for your birthday party because he drove to another city with a friend to catch a concert. Not a good match for you.


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