Whereas Venus is the unifying principle of attraction, Mars is the divisive, scattering principle of out-thrusting energy, separating one thing from another. It is the active force of the individual ego in the world, expressing the separate self and fighting for its rights. It represents how you go after what you want, your drive and energy to be active, your sexual and aggressive urges, initiative, motivation, courage, combativeness, struggle and war. It is the energy behind your feelings, whatever they are, and thus represents passion. Wherever Mars is in your chart is where your energy is directed and released, and where you have strife, discord, and tension if not handled properly. In a woman’s chart it represents her image of male energy.
Mars symbolizes the human libido, not merely the sexualized energy, but human energy pure and simple—the Chi. Mars rules ego, aggression, sexual drive, individuality, survival, yang, passion, courage, sports, competition, war, stamina, independent in relationships, conflict, force, vigor and mechanical ability. In the physical body it rules the muscles, male genitalia, red corpuscles, nose and the excretory tract.
Mars goes retrograde for about 11 weeks once every 25 months, and so is found in about 1/9th of all charts. Your Mars is retrograde if there’s an "Ñ" radially just inside of its degree and minutes numbers on your chart. Mars retrograde is unusual; only Venus retrograde is more rare. Since Mars is the planet with which you exteriorize your energies and get the juice to go after what you want, the internalizing and delaying aspects of retrogradation are most problematic in this case. Mars retrograde individuals need to turn their desire energies inward to discover their own motivations. They may need to do things over and over again until they understand why they are doing them. This can be the result of early life experiences that blocked the normal expression of desire or sexual energy and the ability to prove themselves. Sigmund Freud had Mars retrograde in Libra, fueling his life-long study of his own and others motivations and sexuality, and upon which modern psychoanalysis has been founded.
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