Leo is the Fifth sign of the Zodiac. Its name may derive from the Latin leo or the Greek leon, both of which mean "lion." However, the name is likely Semitic in origin...from the Hebrew word, labi. Leo is known as the "royal sign," symbolic of exuberance and leadership, and individuals who fall within its jurisdiction place courage and personal honesty above all else. Others may not necessarily fulfill the expectations of a Leo native and thus, the life of a Leo is often rife with disappointments. There is a radiant warmth associated with this Zodiac Sign which emanates from the Leo personality to touch the hearts of friends and admirers. This fortunate personality trait is apt to open many doors in life and the individual ruled by Leo welcomes both authority and responsibility. The fiery temperament of a Leo subject is typical of the Zodiac's fire group...fire being the element which rules this sign. There are few people who fail to be attracted to the Leos of this world since they are indeed likeable individuals, being frank, open, honest and endearing. Of all the Zodiac Signs, it is Leo which is most known for dedication to an ideal. There is a tendency here toward a drowning in egocentricity and materialism, coupled with a lack of both the desire and the capacity for spiritual development. Thus, those born under the Sign of Leo should strive to avoid the type of exaggeration that can debase their many inherent gifts.
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