Friday, December 31, 2010
Sun in Astrology

Monday, December 27, 2010
The Star Moon very Important one

For some of us, our Moons seem to drive our personalities more than the Sun does. This is particularly true if the Moon is in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces), or if it is conjunct an angle in the chart (near the Ascendant, Descendant, 4th house cusp, or 10th house cusp). For true happiness in life, it is wise to neither give your Moon too much nor too little importance in your life.
With respect to the other luminary (the Sun), the Moon infuses the past into our lives through the feelings, while the Sun reflects the present or the "here and now".
When we are "acting out" our Moon, we are imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, we can be moody, restless, and irrational.
In the natal chart, the position of the Moon by sign shows how we emote and respond to our environment, as well as our instinctual habits, especially in our homes and in private. By house, the Moon's position shows which areas of life we feel the most "at home" or comfortable.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Nokia 7220 very good for virgo and those persons whose name start with G,P

Nokia 7220 model is very good for Virgo and persons whose name start with letters G and P
Friday, December 17, 2010
Nokia E-72 Best mobile phones for Gemini and Virgo

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Leo Compatibility

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Best Mobile phones model for Virgo

best phone model for Virgo :---------
mobile phone models and Astrology
Monday, December 13, 2010
Pisces relation with other ....
Saturday, December 11, 2010
virgo relationship with other stars

. Neither has the need for an emotional relationship but they are affectionate so
will be immediately attracted to each other and also become good friends. Although very
critical of each other they realise the reason for this and accept it how it's meant, as a
way of achieving greater perfection. They appreciate the qualities they share and are
kindred spirits of strong and serious character.
Although unemotional this doesn't mean they won't enter into relationships easily, just
that they are sensible and in control of their feelings. Sexually they have technical
expertise and make a perfect match but they are likely to get more satisfaction from each
other's intellectual abilities than anything physical. The lack of an emotional sex life would
not be a problem for these two who will get pleasure out of their honest and organised
lives. This sounds like the perfect partnership and it certainly has that potential. Their
only problem may be that they both worry about the same things at the same time and so
are unable to lift each other with a solution.
Virgoans need order in their lives and to do this they tend to take on the same level of
responsibility but are so equal in the relationship that both or neither takes charge when
it's needed. If they can recognise this problem and if both have planets like Venus (love)
and Mars (desires) in other more compatible signs this can be a very successful match. If
not it may be that serious problems never get resolved because they either have two
solutions or none at all. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to
work at it they can learn to cope with all that life throws at them and be contented as no
other couple can.
Virgo and Libra
Virgoans see Librans as intelligent and charming, someone who is
easy to talk to and pleasant to be with. Librans see Virgoans as someone who uses their
head like they do, but in a precise way opposite to their own which they find interesting.
Neither sign has the need for an emotional relationship but this doesn't mean there won't
be an attraction between them. Virgoans will see Librans as light-hearted and easy going,
unlike themselves but at the same time hard to resist. Librans will find Virgoans have an
independent nature with strong views which they like to discuss.
Sexually they appear to be well matched as neither sign needs strong emotions to be
involved. The Virgoan will find the Libran has a romantic approach to sex which is warm
and loving and the Libran will be impressed by the technical ability of the Virgoan. But the
Virgoan will want the rest of the relationship to be precise as well and the Libran will find
this too restricting as they like their freedom. And Librans have an indecisiveness which
will start to irritate the Virgoan who likes everything to be agreed so it can be organised.
Virgoans need order in their lives and Librans want pleasure with an easy life. This
combination sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires)
in other more compatible signs it can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the
Virgoan finds the Libran lazy and too relaxed whereas the Libran finds the Virgoan too
strict and no fun anymore. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to
work at it Virgoans can learn how to appreciate pleasure in life and Librans can learn the
benefits of having an organised partner.
Virgo and Scorpio
Virgoans saw Scorpios as in control of themselves and others,
someone strong like themselves. Scorpios see Virgoans as quiet and poised, someone
who must have a passionate side waiting to be discovered. Because they both see each
other as similar to themselves there may be an immediate attraction between them. Like
everyone Virgoans find Scorpios magnetic, enigmatic and very attractive and Scorpios
find Virgoans have a mental ability which they admire.
Despite the attraction between them it may take a while for them to get together as the
Virgoan is too sensible to rush into a physical relationship and the Scorpio feels
vulnerable if they show their feelings too soon. The Scorpio also likes a mystery and will
believe the passionate side of the Virgoan is hidden waiting for them to discover it.
Sexually the Virgoan may find the Scorpio is too overwhelming with passionate deep
emotions and the Scorpio will realise there is no hidden depth to the Virgoan only love
and affection.
Virgoans need order in their lives and Scorpios want to possess. This combination
sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other
more compatible signs it can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the Virgoan
is unable to cope with the physical demands of the Scorpio who finds the Virgoan cold
and unfeeling. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it
Virgoans can learn to be more emotionally supportive of a partner who is deeply insecure
and Scorpios can learn to appreciate the real strength of a caring partner.
Virgo and Sagittarius
meeting Sagittarians see Virgoans as an intellectual equal, someone worth
talking to who has strong opinions like their own. Virgoans see Sagittarians in a similar
way and appreciate the Sagittarian humour and honesty. The Sagittarian has a
passionate nature and will be attracted to the Virgoan's apparent hidden depths whilst
the Virgoan will be attracted to the Sagittarian ability to be an intellectual and clown at the
same time. Virgoans will see Sagittarians as lively and popular, someone who appreciates
mental ability and Sagittarians find Virgoans interesting and easy to be friends with.
This looks like the perfect match but the problems they encounter will eventually surface
when the relationship becomes more physically involved. The truth is that the Virgoan
doesn't have a passionate side waiting to be discovered and the Sagittarian will be
disappointed when they realise this. Sex will be a bit of fun to Sagittarians, something to
laugh about and enjoy and although the Virgoan is romantic they do not have enough
sexual energy to make a good match for a Sagittarian. This can cause obvious problems.
Virgoans need order in their lives and Sagittarians want to be free to express themselves
in every way, including in bed. This combination will always be difficult but if both have
planets like Venus (love), Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in
other more compatible signs this can be a successful match. If not it may be that the
Sagittarian need for excitement and passion will never be found in the Virgoan who will
start to find the blunt Sagittarian a bit too out of control for their liking. This relationship
will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it Virgoans can learn to be more
spontaneous and Sagittarians can learn to be a bit more organised.
Virgo and Capricorn
Capricorns see Virgoans as a kindred spirit who has a strong
character and is serious about life like themselves. Virgoans see Capricorns in much the
same way and admire their strength of purpose tremendously. Neither sign has the need
for an emotional relationship but they are soul mates so will be immediately attracted to
each other. Capricorns will find Virgoans a bit too precise and critical on occasions but
still find them hard to resist. Virgoans will find Capricorns clever, calm and practical, an
ideal mate.
Sexually they are extremely well matched as neither sign needs emotions to be involved.
The Capricorn sees sex as a way of showing commitment and not something to be
entered into lightly. The Virgoan doesn't have a hidden passionate side and to most of
the other signs that would be a disappointment, but not to the Capricorn who appreciates
honesty and trust more. This sounds like the perfect partnership and it certainly has that
potential. The only downfall is that although the Virgoan is unemotional they do need
affection which may be in short supply and the Capricorn will be reminded of this more
often than they would like.
Capricorns want to master and Virgoans need order in their lives. This combination can
be one of the best especially if they both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars
(desires) in compatible signs. If not it may be that the Capricorn tries to dominate the
Virgoan who wants to be treated an equal not a subordinate and arguments take over
causing problems they can not resolve. However, if they are prepared to work at it
Capricorns can learn to share in their strive for success and Virgoans can learn that
criticism isn't the only way.
Virgo and Aquarius
On their first meeting Aquarians see Virgoans as someone who thinks like they do, in an
analytical way and they find that a nice surprise. Virgoans see Aquarians in a similar way
and appreciate their friendly manner. Aquarians find Virgoans have an independent
nature much like their own and are easy to be friends with. Virgoans find Aquarians
different to other people but sociable, someone to have an interesting time with. Neither
sign has the need for an emotional relationship but this doesn't mean there won't be an
attraction between them.
Sexually they are extremely well matched as neither sign needs emotions to be involved.
But they may never get that far as the Aquarian will prefer to remain friends and the
Virgoan will also be happy with that. This looks like a good match but the problems they
encounter will eventually surface as the relationship continues. The Aquarian is likely to
become fed up with the Virgoan being too precise and critical and although the Virgoan is
unemotional they do need affection which may be in short supply from the Aquarian who
will be reminded of this regularly.
Aquarians want to be free to make friends with everyone and Virgoans need order in their
lives. This combination is almost impossible but if both have planets like Venus (love),
Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible
signs this match can work. If not it may be that the Aquarian feels too restricted by routine
and decides to go off on their own leaving the Virgoan to sort out the mess left behind.
This relationship will always be difficult but if they are prepared to work at it Aquarians
can learn to be a bit more organised and Virgoans can learn that being perfect isn't
always best.
Virgo and Pisces
first meeting Pisceans see Virgoans as quiet but easy to talk to, someone who
will treat them kindly and not take advantage of them. Virgoans see Pisceans as gentle,
sociable and very easy to get along with. There may be an immediate attraction between
them as Pisceans appreciate the affectionate nature of Virgoans who see Pisceans as
romantic and emotional, something they don't really understand so find quite attractive.
Pisceans find Virgoans have a mental ability which they admire and Virgoans find
Pisceans fascinatingly imaginative.
Pisceans need an understanding partner who can support them and be their strength.
Virgoans need a partner who appreciates their ability to organise everything in detail.
They both appear to be able to fulfil these needs and sexually they are quite well
matched. The problems they face will gradually become apparent as the Piscean need
for real emotional input from the Virgoan will not be forthcoming and the Virgoan need for
preciseness will never be possible from the Piscean. Surviving on their sex life alone
seems unlikely.
Pisceans want to live in a dream world of their own making and Virgoans need order in
their lives. This combination will always be difficult but if both have planets like Venus
(love), Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more
compatible signs it can be a successful match. If not it may be that the Piscean starts to
feel totally insecure and the Virgoan despairs and resorts to criticism. This relationship
will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it Pisceans can learn to be content
with more realistic support and Virgoans can learn to be more emotionally aware of a
mate who can truly love them.
Virgo and Aries
meeting Ariens see Virgoans as cool and intellectual, someone with a
passionate side waiting to be discovered by them. Virgoans see Ariens as impetuous and
headstrong, someone who could add some excitement to their ordered lives. The Arien
has a passionate nature and will be attracted to the Virgoan's apparent hidden depths
whilst the Virgoan will be attracted to the Arien's confidence and energy. Ariens will find
Virgoans quite a challenge as Virgoans are not easily influenced by their obvious charms.
Ariens are apt to rush headlong into a physical relationship not thinking about whether it's
sensible or not. Virgoans are just about as sensible as you can get but that doesn't mean
these two won't get together. Sexually the Arien will be amazed by the perfect timing and
technical ability of the Virgoan but disappointed by the lack of passion. The Virgoan may
find the boisterous antics of the Arien too much to handle and not as much fun as they
first seemed. This will only be the start of their problems as the Arien will want to be the
boss and won't appreciate the Virgoan laying down the law.
Ariens want to be first and Virgoans need order in their lives. This combination is almost
impossible but if both have planets like Venus (love), Mars (desires), the Moon
(emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible signs this match can work. If
not it may be that the Arien need to be spontaneous conflicts with the Virgoan need to be
organised. This relationship will always be difficult but if Ariens can learn to take
relationships more seriously and Virgoans can learn to lighten up and be more relaxed
about life it just might work.
Virgo and Taurus
Virgoans as sensible and precise, someone with a
strong character like themselves. Virgoans see Taureans as relaxed and yet serious
about life in a way they understand. These two are soul mates so will be immediately
attracted to each other and become good friends from the outset. Taureans will see
Virgoans as intellectual and practical, a useful combination for an ideal mate. Virgoans
will find Taureans a bit too interested in the pleasures of life but still find them hard to
Although the Taurean enjoys sex it has to be leading to something more permanent,
pleasure attached to security with a long term future. The Virgoan is not passionate but is
affectionate and not afraid of commitment which makes them well suited. Sexually they
are not the same but are quite well matched as the Taurean is warm and loving although
very physical and the Virgoan has expertise but is unemotional. Their sexual differences
shouldn't cause any major problems in the relationship but the thing that will is the
Taurean stubbornness which shows itself if the Virgoan gets over critical.
Taureans want to have and Virgoans need order in their lives. This combination can be
one of the best especially if they both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires)
in compatible signs. If not it may be that the Taurean stubbornness becomes a bigger
problem than it should be by causing the Virgoan to be more and more critical so creating
a vicious circle. However, if they are prepared to work at it Taureans can learn to open up
and communicate better and Virgoans can learn that being perfect doesn't just mean
being tidy.
Virgo and Gemini
meeting Geminis see Virgoans as someone who uses their head like they
do, but in a precise way which they find interesting. Virgoans see Geminis as talkative
and entertaining in a light-hearted way which they appreciate. Neither sign has the need
for an emotional relationship but this doesn't mean there won't be an attraction between
them. Geminis find Virgoans have an independent nature with strong views which they
like to discuss. Virgoans find Geminis are lively and sociable, someone who will brighten
up their lives.
Sexually they appear to be well matched as neither sign needs strong emotions to be
involved. But the Gemini will prefer to talk and the Virgoan will be happy with that to start
with. When they do finally get together the Gemini will be impressed by the technical
ability of the Virgoan who will find the Gemini has an imaginative approach to sex but with
no affection involved. The Gemini is likely to become fed up with the Virgoan being too
precise and critical and although the Virgoan is unemotional they do need affection which
may be in short supply.
Geminis need excitement from stimulating conversation and Virgoans need order in their
lives. This combination will always be difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love),
Mars (desires), the Moon (emotions) and Mercury (mentality) in other more compatible
signs it can be a successful match. If not it may be that the Gemini finds being organised
is boring so they go off to find some fun leaving the Virgoan to tidy up what they left
behind. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it Geminis
can learn the benefits of having an organised partner and Virgoans can learn that perfect
timing isn't what life is all about.
Virgo and Cancer
Cancerians see Virgoans as refined and easy to talk to, someone
who will treat them kindly and not take advantage of them. Virgoans see Cancerians as
confident and secure because they only see the front the Cancerian is hiding behind.
Cancerians need a supportive partner and they see this quality in Virgoans which adds to
the attraction. Cancerians will find that although Virgoans are a bit unemotional they do
share a need for commitment and Virgoans will find Cancerians sensitive and emotional,
quite opposite to themselves but at the same time hard to resist.
Cancerians are scared of rejection but find the honest and affectionate nature of
Virgoans gives them the confidence to show how they feel as they know it will be
accepted. They will be well matched sexually as they are both loving and caring but they
will have problems with their different emotional needs. The Cancerian needs emotional
understanding and support but although the Virgoan has the strength to provide support
they have no emotional depth themselves so find this part difficult.
Cancerians want security and Virgoans need order in their lives. This combination
sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires) in other
more compatible signs it can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the
Cancerian starts to feel totally insecure and the Virgoan despairs and resorts to criticism.
This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared to work at it Cancerians can
learn to be content with more down to earth support and Virgoans can learn to provide
some emotional support to a partner who can truly love them.
Virgo and Leo
first meeting Leos see Virgoans as cool and intellectual, someone with a
passionate side waiting to be discovered. Virgoans see Leos as charismatic and
extravagant, someone to add some glamour to their lives. The Leo has a passionate
nature and will be attracted to the Virgoan's apparent hidden depths whilst the Virgoan is
attracted to the warm and generous Leo underneath that huge ego. Leos will find
Virgoans are a bit quiet but with an affectionate nature they find hard to resist. Virgoans
will find Leos are lively, popular and easy to be with.
The Leo wants passion and love with a partner who can provide adoring attention and
although Virgoans are sensible about everything that doesn't mean these two won't get
together. Sexually the Leo will admire the perfect timing and technical ability of the
Virgoan but be disappointed by the lack of real passion and the Virgoan may find the
dramatic lovemaking of the Leo not as much fun as it first seemed. This will only be the
start of their problems as the Leo will want to be in control and won't appreciate the
Virgoan criticising everything they do.
Leos want to be the centre of attention and Virgoans need order in their lives. This
combination sounds difficult but if both have planets like Venus (love) and Mars (desires)
in other more compatible signs it can be a very successful match. If not it may be that the
Leo goes off in search of attention leaving the Virgoan realising they need a more stable
partner to make them happy. This relationship will be hard work but if they are prepared
to work at it Leos can learn that some level of control in your life is necessary and
Virgoans can learn to get out more and have some fun.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Cancer Silgn compatibiilty

Leo will enjoy the cheerful side of Cancer's nature but sometimes Cancer can get sulky and low; that's when Leo will become impatient. It's important for Cancer to find a partner who understands their need for security and who is sensitive to their moods and feelings. Leo may not be the one!
Cancer with Virgo
Cancer is full of warmth and affection even though their complex nature can be difficult to understand. Virgo does not mind complexities and will overlook Cancerian's moodiness as there will be trust, faithfulness and respect in this relationship.
Cancer with Libra
Libra would introduce Cancer to a socially active and lively lifestyle but is this really what Cancer wants? Libra is perhaps too freedom-loving to satisfy Cancerian's innate need for security.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sadge girl may feel like class clown around button-down Virgo boy. Virgo boy is all about getting assignments done on time, and meeting the sometimes impossibly high standards of his elders. You approach the world in very different ways, but both ways are valid. Don't lose your spontaneity, Sadge. It's one of your best assets and it's the thing that drew Virgo boy to you in the first place. .
Virgo Woman & Sagittarius Man
This match will not last very long. You two are so different in personality that it’s almost impossible to make this pairing work. He is wild and free; you are serious and practical. He goes flying off in all directions; you want security and peacefulness. He is extremely flirtatious with other girls; you need a faithful partner who you can trust. Plus, the more you mistrust him the more likely it is that he’ll stray. You’ll feel neglected when he goes off on adventures, and you’ll be miserable when he doesn’t show up for your birthday party because he drove to another city with a friend to catch a concert. Not a good match for you.
Friday, December 3, 2010

Both the individuals have a realistic attitude towards and are not prone to emotional outbursts. They also share a negative trait - not being able to express their feelings easily. This may lead to some misunderstandings in the relationship, resulting in compatibility problems. Virgo can definitely bring some sort of stability to the nature of a Gemini, who in turn can teach him some passion. If Gemini learns to brush off the criticism of the Virgo and the latter learns to respect the freedom to the former, this love match can definitely work.
A Gemini man usually feel attracted to a Virgo woman at the first sight. This relationship can even have a blissfully comfortable start. But, long term stability is a different issue altogether. They may share soul-satisfying conversations, but will find it a little difficult to be each other's soul mates. He is a born-flirt and this brings out her much-suppressed jealous side. He may become too annoyed with her constant criticism and constant advice as to how he should lead his life. The best part of this love match is that both of them will understand each other too well and are most likely to feel the same things at the same time.
Gemini Woman and Virgo Man
A Gemini woman and a Virgo man will understand each other's needs as well as feelings quite well. Infact, most of the time, they will share feelings and thoughts, especially about the outside world. However, as far as their personal lives are concerned, they have more clashing, than compatible, traits. The best way to keep the fire alive in this relationship is to be honest with each other and respect the other person's opinions. At the same time, they will have to find ways to neutralize his critical nature and her tactlessness.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Cancer virgo relation
Relation cancer and virgo
Cancer Virgo is a very harmonious combination, where you each will bring out the best in the other. You have a lot in common and will intuitively understand each other, and provide the support and stability you each enjoy. Unlike some partners, this is a person who will consistently build your self confidence.
You can be fairly emotional and moody at times and therefore unpredictable. In this combination it's no bad thing, as your Virgo has the patience and understanding to take these moods in their stride, and their natural stability will do much to ground you until they pass.
This is a very loyal partner, who values stability and security in a relationship as much as you do. You both like order and routine in a relationship, you're both highly affectionate and enjoy pleasing a partner. It's likely you'll be comfortable with each other from a very early point in this relationship.
Your Virgo is very down to earth and organized, while being very patient and always courteous. Overall a very stable and predictable partner. It's likely they need a lot more space and solitude to recharge than you do, so don't be offended or take it personally if this is the case.
You're both very hard working, though for slightly different reasons. You like to amass security for a rainy day, while your Virgo has an intrinsic need to be productive. The result is identical, and you will come to respect each other in this area.
You're on the same page financially, both preferring to spend conservatively, and both have a great appreciation for the home, often preferring to stay in rather than going out to party.
On the negative side, you both can e somewhat critical at times, and this may lead to nagging and some irritation. You both also tend to worry a lot, and may have trouble offering much support to each other
Aries Virgo
The relationship may also face compatibility problems as far as the financial aspect is concerned. In this context, Virgo is too cautious and Aries is too extravagant. The Ram may also find it difficult to adjust his impulsive nature with the practicality and stability of a Virgo. He is concerned about the results, not the exact method that is to be followed for the same. To ensure that this love match works smoothly, Virgo will have to control his criticizing and nagging nature somewhat and Aries will have to learn to rein in his impulsiveness.
Aries Man and Virgo Woman
Aries man will find it a little, rather quite, difficult to cope up with the nitpicking Virgo woman. For him, criticism is criticism, whether it is done in good taste or bad taste. He will never ever follow rules and conventions and wouldn't take nicely when she tells him what to do and what not to do. The relationship is most likely to be full of arguments and if both of the do not manage to bridge the differences in their personalities, then, things will get difficult. There may be some chances if she learns to control her nagging and he tries to limit his recklessness.
Aries Woman and Virgo Man
It will be relatively easy for an Aries woman and a Virgo man to get involved in a relationship. The difficulty will be encountered in keeping the spark alive. Both the individuals are entirely opposite in their temperament. He is too organized and her nature is full of spontaneity and carelessness. She lives in the present, he lives in the future. There will hardly be any Virgo man who has not saved anything for his old age. Too much adventure and thrill is surely not his cup of tea. However, if they do manage to bridge the gaps, this match is really worth it.
Virgo relations
As one of them falls short of the expectations, compatibility problems start cropping up. A Virgo individual always believes in being practical. The romance in the relationship between two Virgos will not comprise of poetry. Rather, they will express their love by doing important things for their partner. Both of them are very organized and are extremely careful even about the smallest of details. This may lead to monotony setting in their relationship at a very early stage. There will be no emotional dramas on the part of either of the partners.
However, they will have to keep their critical nature under control or most of their time will be spent in pointing out each other's faults only. Just like they share the same negative traits, they also share the same positive qualities also. Both of them have a practical approach towards life and will, more often than not, agree on a particular topic. Even the chemistry between two Virgos is pretty good and there will be hardly any problem on the loyalty aspect, since both the individuals are totally faithful and dependable.
The chances of a love match between two Virgo individuals turning into a lasting-relationship are quite high. They will always be there for each other and will never ever fall prey to extreme jealousy or possessiveness. At the same time, they will have to make conscious efforts to avoid being too critical and finding even the smallest of faults in their partner. If enough efforts are put in this direction, this relationship can turn into one of the most loving ones, with no space for different ideologies.